Scalex permanent solution for common problem facing by CT utilities- Electrolytic Scale Remover and Disinfectant without chemicals
- Standards : ElSr is designed and manufactured by an ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001 -2015 QMS & CE, approved OHSAS 45001–2018 company. Power input : AC 400V +/-10%,I IIPh , 50Hz ORAC 380V +/- 10%, IIIPh, 60Hz
- Operating Pressure : Max.2 bar
- Temperature feed to ElSr : 100C to 500C
- Earthing potential : Balanced
- Installation : Skid mounted, Indoor & Vertical ii. Circulation
- pump : Around 5.0% CT recirculation water is to be Processed by stand-by pump arrangements through ElSr, designed to ionize the entire CT water.
- Reactor : FRVE housed reactor consisting PT/MMO/Ti Anode and Titanium cathode assembly with the auto self-cleaning drive. iv.
- Auto back Wash filter : Since ElSr-SCis working based on Self-Cleaning technology, Side stream auto back Flush filter is included in our system. Multi Media filter is recommended to filter the peel-off scales from the ElSr. v. Rectifier Unit
- Control Panel : According to the capacity of ElSr ,the IGBT Rectifier And Control panel shall be selected